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So tell many FIA world championships did AC win with their V8 power Rudd Speed or any other power train they were thinking of using in the Ace between '57 and '62 or for that matter enlighten me as any major racing event AC won with it sanctioned by a major racing body such as the FIA?
Fact is AC was looking to hang on to a sales market by putting a small V8 into the Ace but they had no thoughts, drive or intention of making it a world beater like Shelby. But for Shelby AC would have sold however many V8 powered Aces they would have sold and after a while the car would have become dated and resigned to the history books as another nice little English sports car. Thats all it would have remained.
Shelby is the one who took what was there, refined it for performance, developed it, renamed it and took it racing world wide. He made it recognizable worldwide, made it a household name and an icon. Its is just that simple.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.
Last edited by REAL 1; 08-21-2015 at 07:40 AM..