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Evan you are such a clown. You've already been outed on the other thread as one who spins opinions as facts and misstates history to suit your own agenda. It was a pleasure to see LMH take you to school after a good spanking.
As for the SAAC, nothing more than a special interest rag sold to its' members to make money. The "mission", cater to the broadest membership base they can get, more members = more money. People pay to drink the kool aid, no better example than you who lives and breathes on every word that rag has to say.
Every so often, a legal dispute on the classification of these cars makes its' way to the courts and it is there that clarity is provided and decisions are handed down. You my friend own a kit car just like the majority of cobra enthusiasts do, that is the legal decision of the court by three judges who have no vested interest or bias in the decision - deal with it.
As a footnote, the SAAC Registry follows the loosest standards of any publication dedicated to the preservation of specific automobile history. If you can show the right series CSX number on your frame then the Registry says you have an original. The entire remainder of the car can be a kluge of parts gotten from God knows where, but if you have that CSX number you're in. Trying pulling that BS with any other historical car and you will be laughed out of town as a real idiot who thought he had "an original".
It's too bad, the SAAC could have done it right like everybody else with stringent standards to get into the Registry, but money and greed took over to create a club publication that is worthless in the eyes of true automotive historians.