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Old 09-03-2015, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by RodKnock View Post
It wouldn't matter if he fought for truth, justice and the American way, nor would it matter if he assimilated to our culture, spoke the language and didn't mooch off the system at the expense of the American taxpayer. All of that doesn't matter, he would have to be rounded up and deported under your candidate's plan.

The only problem with deporting Superman is that he can get back into the country since he could either go under, through or over the big new wall. This plan would assume, of course, that you could incarcerate Superman until his deportation hearing, assuming again, he gets one under your candidate's plan.
Superman wouldn't be deported since he would undoubtedly apply for citizenship and do things the right way. He was a role model after all of truth, justice and the American way. Phulease. Do you really need to ask?

Second of all he would help round up all the illegals so they would have to come back properly if they wanted to come back.

My candidate wants to enforce the laws and protect the borders. Your candidates want open borders either openly or secretly in order to build their base of Government dependent voters. A country without laws enforced and open boarders equals no country. Adios America.
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