Thanks to all of the Cobra members that participate in this forum. I just posted a new thread with noticing this one .... but I have the same problem. I just posted in the new Thread "Treman 600 TKO Stuck in Second":
Just got into my new (used) BDR Cobra first day / first time driving on the road. Drove about 10 miles on /off and no problems - Reverse / 1, 2, 3, 4 gears very smooth. Clutch feels great. I get to my daughter's school, turn off the car and come back 5 minutes later, turn on the engine and that is it:
1. Shifter is in the neutral position and moves left to right
2. Transmission is actually stuck in second gear
3. Shifter will not go into 1,2,3,4,5,or reverse
4. Clutch works - I was able to drive home in second gear without stalling and using the clutch. The Clutch and slave are also new - less than 1 year from previous owner
Oil in reserve is filled.
I let the car totally cool and tried to shift gears while in the off position. Nothing - same condition as above. Any thoughts??
Thanks again everyone and I will have my shop look into your fix.