Today I dealt with the fuel problem. Checked voltage and earth at the pump first with it running, 14.4volts.
I upgraded the low pressure pump inlet side to be all -8 (the fitting on the tank is -8), filled her up at the bowser and went driving around the industrial estate, did 20kms and had no problems, pressure constantly 52-54psi.
Oil temp hovering about 70, water about 88, this was all cruising the bends, average speed according to the GPS was 48kmh.
I need to talk to VEI about my speedo as its totally whackers. I have seen 350kmh but it shoots around all over the place, clearly it doesn’t like the signal that the ECU is putting out, they will have a fix I just need to find out what it is.
Need to get on to the aluminium dash panel this week too and off the temporary MDF.