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Old 09-22-2015, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Tom Wells View Post

Some additional thoughts after breakfast.

First, the MPI (multiport injection) throttle body is shorter than the carb it replaced, possibly by as much as 1-1/4". The TBI (throttle body injection) units may be a bit taller than the MPI unit. Just something to check when figuring out overall height (manifold + throttle body + air cleaner). The shorter MPI unit allowed me to use a larger air filter than the carb did while keeping the same overall height.

Second, a kind of fun(?) thought - what about using two relatively small TBI units to simulate a dual four barrel carb setup? Most of the new EFI computers can control two TBI units. There aren't very many dual four barrel manifolds for the 385 series (maybe only one?) but I think there are several for the SBF.

Just trying to help you shovel out the cash ;-)

FITech has a fuel dual quad systems that are very attractively priced. They're a 'new kid on the block' and I've been watching them and reviews of their product. I haven't seen any reviews on dual quad installations, but have seen a few other reviews that have been nothing but glowing.

Dual quad systems start at $1800 + fuel system, and they have setups for power adder systems (blow through or on a Roots style 'draw through' supercharger, or single stage Wet Nitrous). Link to their products page: Products

Edit: BTW, FITech throttle bodies are 3.25" tall from the base to the air cleaner flange - the same as most Holley carbs

Last edited by cycleguy55; 09-22-2015 at 05:28 PM.. Reason: additional content
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