Originally Posted by REAL 1
Ditto. What's your license plate read again..? Wait...427SNK I think. Yes that's it. Its really not though is it (same with many others such as Cycleguys 66COBRA and many others here) and that's what all this frustration, anger and envy is about isn't it? Que lastima
You'll need a Shelby to honestly display that plate bucko.
Once again he can't respond to the points raised so he attacks and attempts to divert to a subject of his choosing. Once again trying to draw me into a defensive posture. Unfortunately, for him, I control this conversation. He dances to my tune. He just hasn't figured it out yet. His amateurish attempts to draw me out will continue to fail and cause him much frustration. But I will give him this, he tries hard. But then second place always does. And he hates it when he is either laughed at, or placated. To him, the fight and winning is everything.
And that is his weakness. You can't win if the other party refuses to play with you. And that, students of human behavior, is how you handle guys like REEL1.