Some of you may know that Hershal (BT SNAKE) from Arizona has very kindly offered me his Cobra to drive to the Fling in June while he drives his brand new Roaring Forties GT40
I have been looking at what to buy for my Cobra while I'm over in the States. I downloaded the PDF catalog from to see what you guys were paying for fuel injection stuff. You're paying WAY TOO MUCH! For example, the Bosch Motorsport pump 044 (generally rated at 700hp) sells through Motec catalog - page 37 for $407.64. I can bring in any number of these for $295-. Same with the Bosch motorsport regulator. $781.72 through Motec, $330 from me! The ADL dash would be nearly 30% off Motec's price, M800 also about 30% off. M48 about 35% discount. If you're after any Motec / EFI related parts around June, I can bring them over with me. If you're going to the Fling, or know someone that can collect them there, shipping is free.
Romac is an Australian company that makes balancers/ 9 key way timing chains, fully floating hubs, spools etc. If anyone wants these parts - again at about 25% off Summit/Jegs pricing, let me know. I won't be able to bring many balancers or hubs in my suitcase, but I'll bring a few if you ask me nicely :P
Where we can't compete with U.S pricing is in clutches, transmissions, superchargers, alum heads and tyres. For the Aussie made (Romac, Motec) or non-US made (Bosch) parts, we're miles in front....
I'm not doing this to make money. I'm just going to sell the parts at my cost, then bring a G-Force transmission and McLeod Dual Disk Street Twin clutch assembly back with me. Geez, maybe if you guys pay full price for the Motec/Bosch stuff, I'll end up with a G-Force for free !!! ;D
