Originally Posted by Hoity
Do you have a steering lock, noticed you had the ignition on the dash. I understand you need a steering lock for VASS approval?
Not necessarily, they are usually employed for ease as most ignition locks are column mounted.
You need to have 2 methods of anti theft operated by the one key or device.
ADR 25/02
2.3 “protective device” means a system designed to prevent unauthorized normal activation of the engine or other source of main engine power of the vehicle in combination with at least one system which: locks the steering; or locks the transmission; or locks the gear-shift control;
5.1. The protective device shall be so designed that it is necessary to put it out of action in order to enable:
5.1.1. the engine to be started by means of the normal control; and
5.1.2. the vehicle to be steered, driven or moved forward under its own power.
5.2. The requirements of paragraph 5.1. shall be met by the single application of one key.