Originally Posted by REAL 1
Many owners feel and see it just as I do.
You're worried about "profiling" other Shelby owners as thinking like me.? Seriously? Most Continuation owners I speak and know to do feel and think the same way on this subject as expressed to me in person, email and pm on this cite and elsewhere. Many have even thanked me for standing up for the current production Cobras by pm and email. They just don't want to enter the fray seeing it as a waste of time. They're right. Every current production owner I have met has been very nice and does not purport to claim their Cobra is an original. Except for one that I meet. All are gentlemen and respectful.
Maybe you should focus on personal insulting attacks instead of "profiling" as if my position is some kind of offense.
Really. It just gets better and better.
Carry on. As you were.
I agree with Evan. I just don't have the stamina he does to defend the position so vigorously. When asked about my car I say it is a a true Shelby built in 2011. I explain about the contination series. You might be surprised how many people are already familiar with the continuation series and are glad to see one.
Mine is titled as a 1965 Shelby Cobra. In the Comments block it says Replica. Nothing shady here, all done according to Virginia law and the only way it can be done legally.