Originally Posted by Morris
I agree with you regarding all of these short wheel base Cobra's.....
That's why we spent all of the time developing the chassis on KMP259. Our chassis is built to reduce the torsional twist from the suspension input. After we enhanced the chassis.....the bottom plate bolted to the frame rails from the front of the chassis to the rear of the chassis was the icing on the cake. On the track we could raise or lower the chassis one turn on a corner and see the results in the tire temps immediately ......
The national championship cars we built over the years, all started with a well thought out chassis first..... Then on to the suspension.....
Hi Morris,
To anyone who followed the KMP259 build thread it was obvious that you were the man with a plan... and the results proved it! I was more of a novice with a dream... lol. But, our track performance exceeded all our expectations and we learned a lot. More importantly, we made a few friends and had a lot of fun...