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You don't know me and I don't know you so I am not going to try to argu with you. I love my cox but I almost bought a Kirkham for the same money. Point is, yes I out my car in the registry as it is cool to see it in there, as are many other replica's.that doesn't mean I look down on other cars that are beatifuo, powerful and in some cases better built than my csx. I have owned a SPF and may one day be lucky enough to own a alum. Kirkham, a company that has higher standards than Shelby slapping their name on everything that moves these days( I have lost track of how many different versions there are of the new Mustang Shelby's. IMHO, they are Diluting the brand and tarnishing what Shelby did in the 60's by all of the other "special editions" sold for stupid money.
I prefer to enjoy my car and other shelby's the the comrade tie of those that love these cars and welcome all no matter wether it is a csx,or cobra is any other form. Today though, I am going to take my "new" Eleanor replica out for a tire melting spin!