I'm preparing to install a 5# SafeCraft fire suppression system I bought a while back and I've got a question for those who have installed one or are knowledgable about them. Originally I was instructed to run two lines to the engine compartment and one to the passenger cabin. The nozzles in the engine compartment were supposed to be mounted at the front and aimed backwards toward the carb and intake. The nozzle in the passenger compartment was supposed to be aimed toward the buckle on the driver's seat harness. I have a regular gas tank in the trunk, not a fuel cell, so I was told I don't need a nozzle in the trunk.
But my question is this: do I really need to place a nozzle in the passenger compartment, or should I just run the two lines to the engine compartment? There are no
oil or fuel lines routed inside the passenger compartment, so I don't see the reason for having a nozzle inside there. Any opinions will be welcome
. Thanks.
PS I've also got a 2.5# extinguisher mounted in the passenger compartment in easy reach of the driver.