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cant argue with the logic craig the other way i love the modern design of the way the car is built and from my yrs racing i still get a hard on looking at the pushrod suspension . when your driving down the road and pull up next to lights do you think the bloke eyeing you pride and joy gives a rats . all they see is a nice looking cobra .
sure go round tube chassis then stick a jag front and rear or skyline/falcon whatever it does not make any closer to a real cobra than any other kits out there. sure the pace has gone a different direction than how it has been done the last 30 yrs but so has the car industry long gone are drum brakes and valve radios too ..
i dont want to be buying old jag parts then having to clean and recon stuff and have to hunt around looking for stuff i swear thats why there have been so many unfinished kits left in sheds as people lose interest as its taking so long to build and a lot of people dont have the skills to start with . but give them a kit with most of the bits supplied and i bet a lot more would have gotten finished .
ive just been painting the area where my car will be constructed so even working it's a nice clean and fresh place to work .....
over and out
a cobra is a passion anything else is just a car
i dont care what the question is .. The answer is more power!!!