Exactly! Track time two different days AND giving charity rides for the local Boys and Girls Club for less the $100!
A-Snake, I'm curious as to what 'excitement' you were looking for? Having tried to organize a similar event in St Louis, it takes a lot of work and money to pull it off. I had a lot of questions prior to the event, and mistakenly tried to treat it as any other track weekend event, which, as I found out it wasn't.....it was much more than that. Friday's social was a little bland and cramped for space, but overall not bad. Saturday's Car show was just the right amount of time - 3 hours
- before heading out to the track. Giving charity rides ended up being the highlight of the day for me, besides seeing the 3 289's lined up on the street. I was able to give 4 rides, well, actually, I let one of my riders DRIVE!
I later found out that the ride along's gave over 120 rides to help raise money for charity
The Cobra Extravaganza was a little blah, BUT, it was exactly what they made it out to be - an exhibition of Cobra's (Real and Replica's) on this historic track. Sunday was fun as well, but I would have rather have kept it limited the classes to vintage/historic vehicles TYPES rather than having the modern mustangs, camaro's and BMW's included (maybe have their own class). I thought for the limited resources and cost, they pulled off a great event.