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Old 10-12-2015, 01:59 PM
tortuga tortuga is offline
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Originally Posted by rodneym View Post
I used to live in a neighborhood that sounds like yours.
What I used to do is fire up the Cobra with the garage closed and immediately open the door. This deadened the initial 'boom' at startup.
I would talk to your neighbor in a friendly, passionate [about your car] and compassionate manner. I have a feeling it will disarm him a bit. A lot of people are just looking for things to piss them off and a loud shiny car is just the thing to do it.
Funny I do exactly that (startup with the garage door closed) do the initial 1500 rpm foot high idle (no choke holley 850), then just as I am starting to see my ancestors, open the door and roll out by gravity...I hold that same idle while slipping the clutch out of my L shaped cul-de-sac, using the handbrake to slow...

I agree with your approach, there is nothing worse than being at war with a neighbor...My job in heavy construction is contentious and combative enough for me, I don't need to come home to opponents as well...

The guy is a poufy douche but well within his rights to expect quiet in this relatively upscale neighborhood. Just because i think a big block running alomost open pipes sounds cool, it may be akin to modern rap "music" to him.

Letting trivial things like this get under your skin is how you end up on an episode of "cops"...

I will ask the guy next time I see him when it really bothers him to move the car, it is my hobby and as such it is a bit extreme but given what it could do I am actually very restrained, but can try harder.

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