Originally Posted by REAL 1 View Post
My post on Ned's statement: "So if SAAC is no longer concerned with the current production Cobras maybe Continuation owners should stop registering their cars with SAAC for the next Registry? I guess SAAC doesn't even need a Continuation Series Registar then? Hmmm. Hell, if SAAC is printing stuff they really didn't mean (did they?) because they are "PC" who needs the Registry?
So what is the next Reigistry going to say Ned? The current production Shelby Cobras aren't Shelby Cobras? Puhleese. Really? Why wait. Publish a statement now. "
Ned: Rather than defending the same position again and again from (slightly) different vantage points, you may wish to re-read exactly what I said, which is that SAAC has ceded control of anything having to do with the later cars to the organization that built them. Nowhere did I suggest SAAC doesn't welcome them. Nowhere did I say they are not considered Shelby Cobras. For everyone's benefit, stop being such an arrogant and touchy twit and take the time to understand what is being said rather than continue to endlessly defend the same turf even when it hasn't been attacked.
To which I responded: Oh, thanks for clarifying. So it was all an honest misunderstanding. Gee I thought so. Then we agree the SAAC statements both then and now and the Registry which is consistent with those statments do clearly and honestly set forth SAAC's view on the current production Cobras (Continuation series). Glad we cleared that all up.
Yeah, I'll try and take your advice about the "arrogant" and touchy "twit stuff" and read more closely and you can follow suit and stop being a pompous a$$ and condescending towards the current production Shelby Cobras and write more clearly what you mean."
The above really must have hurt when your "champion" was shown the door on the issue.
His further claim that SAAC "ceded control of anything doing with later cars" is hooey. Yeah, right, that's why they are still taking registration info on current production Cobras, FGT's etc...and the current statement states its purpose as the exact opposite of the hooey your champion tried to peddle.
Keep trying.