Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
When is early? Give me a date. The only valid response has 4 digits
I could be wrong, but I believe that when California passed the sb100 smog exemption in 2001, it gave all kit cars a way to be registered (and taxed) based on the year they were completed rather than the year of the engine or body style. So, a replica built in 2008 coukd be registered as a 2008 SPCNS, not a 1965 cobra. It was California's way of collecting larger fees and allowing non 60's vehicles to be correctly registered. It is considered fraud if this policy is violated. However, if a vehicle was previously registered LEGALLY (not misrepresented in any way) in another State as a 1965 cobra, that registration would be transferred and honored by Calif. when coming into the State.
Not sure if previously registered Calif. kit cars were grandfathered in. I don't think so.
Anyhoo, it seems to be a gray area. I have heard of local law enforcement walking through car shows checking license plates against registration and impounding vehicles that were incorrect. If it were me, and I owned one of these "1965" registered cars, I would go through the sb100 process and change my registration to comply with current California laws. I wouldn't want my car impounded and then have to go through the hassle of trying to prove it was correctly registered. No telling how much damage would be done by the tow truck or the impound lot.