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Old 10-14-2015, 07:00 PM
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[quote=Al G;1367176]
Originally Posted by RodKnock View Post
Speaking of agendas, cough, cough, the word "genuine" as it relates to the CSX4000 replicas is not used. QUOTE]

My mistake, the word "genuine" is used in the quote from SAAC in post 513. I don't know if it also appears in the registry. However, SAAC still recognizes them as genuine.
Ooops. Yes, alas, Rodknock is finally correct. The Registry uses the word "authentic" not "genuine". See page 27 of the World Registry. I get confused between the two words likely because they are synonymous. The Registry also defines them as "current production Cobras". Page 30. It also states calling them "replicas" is a misuse of the word. Page 30.

SAAC website statement in or about 2008 in relevant part:

......As far as CSX4000 and CSX7000 cars are concerned, SAAC accepts these cars as genuine Shelby American Cobras (as opposed to "original" Shelby American Cobras). The definition we use to identify an original Cobra is one which was, 1) built between 1961 and 1968, 2) at the direction of and under contract from Carroll Shelby/Shelby American Inc., and 3) sold by Shelby American or one of its franchised dealers. The only difference between original Cobras and CSX4000 and CSX7000 cars is the time frame in which they were built....

SAAC website statement currently in relevant part:

In the 1990s and beyond, Shelby became aware of the increased interest and subsequent rise in value of the cars and began building another generation of them—both Cobras and Shelby Mustangs.

This should really spool up the Keystone cops.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.