Originally Posted by CSX4815
You know this belittling and name calling by this a-hole Johnny come lately as well as others here has really become such a waste of bandwidth. Jamo is just as much to blame for letting this crap continue... ought to be ashamed of himself.
I have seen for a long time here on this forum the CSX envy that many have here... biased toward Kirkham and anti Shelby. Who cares? I'm done with this place... good riddance!
While I chose not to buy a Shelby Cobra replica, and buy a Kirkham Cobra replica, I'm not biased against Shelby Cobras. I love the the 998 and we cherish them. But the rest of us just have kit cars, because, well, they all copy to varying degrees the 998.
While the CSX 4000/6000/7000/8000 are great replicas, both alloy and fiberglass (though the 998 are all alloy), I think calling them "genuine," "authentic," or "real" not only cheapens the AC/Shelby legacy, but also defies simple logic. That's all.