Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
CSX4815's opinion is shared by many. When in CO a fellow CSX owner was having a problem and I suggested he ask here, and said he would just be berated about buying the car and never get an answer. He pretty much nailed it.
It actually doesn't have to be that way. I've been on this site for a little shy of 4 years and, particularly in the early stages when I was building my car, I asked a lot of questions and got input to help solve problems or to help me understand something better. In hindsight, some of my questions were pretty dumb but nobody flamed me for asking for help. I assume that was because even the dumb questions were asked honestly with no attitude, ego, my car's better than your car, unsolicited opinions, etc. None of that nonsense. If you check all of that at the keyboard, this site can be very helpful.