Originally Posted by Hoity
I dont think there's any good pr on the CR brand at the moment, unfortunately!
Oh I'm sure there is. Ask "are you happy?" to 10 different owners and you'll get 10 different answers. You're never going to find a group consensus on here.
Every manufacturer, dare I say every one involved in these cars gets both + and - feedback. It just is what it is. Talk to one bloke and he says manufacturer X is awesome and the next bloke wouldn't throw the last bucket of water on earth over him if he was on fire.
You just have to be happy in your own skin with your decision. There's not a cobra owner out there that hasn't had an issue with their respective suppliers and it makes no difference what end of the $ market you're coming in at.
Even once selected and happy you will find a rise and fall in performance meeting expectations.
Chris has had some issues and frustrations yes, as have we all...but we love the cars we're involved in and continue to enjoy them despite the challenges we face along the way.