Originally Posted by REAL 1
Misuse of terms like "replica" are explained. You and others continue to "misuse" those terms but if that's what a "replica" means to you great.
So, then, you misused the term replica? You did admit/call your car a replica. Are you misusing the term too? Is Ned misusing the term? Is the 2008 Registry misusing the term, when it states that CS didn't like the term replica, because he felt it devalued his cars, so he came up with a new term "Component." And then the 2008 Registry also states that modern CSX Cobras are "true replicas" and "Cobra-like."
When the 2018-ish Registry is released, when all replicas are deleted, will you still cite a source that no longer exists such as you did with the SAAC website language?
Facts, logic, Registry (both old and future editions), Ned The Curator, The "I'm not very good with website links" and The
Deleted Passage on the SAAC Website (which Evan somehow still has in his possession).