Originally Posted by REAL 1
Yes. You are confused. So are your buddies. Not my problem.
Read the Registry.
I'm getting off this Merry Go Round you and your buddies created.
Have fun.
I'm confused? Try again. Here are just a couple recent statements by you:
Originally Posted by REAL 1
I say no its not a replica.
Originally Posted by REAL 1
The current production Cobras are "true" replicas as defined by Websters. Never said they weren't. Agreed.
So, you admit to us here that you have a replica, after a 10,000,000 posts and then when someone asks you in public, whether your Cobra replica is real, you tell them "No, it's not a replica." I think you have two sets of answers depending on who you're talking to
As for getting off this thread, two points. YOU created at least two (2) other threads essentially about that same subject. Not anyone else. Secondly, you have said "goodbye" at least once and come back, so you saying you're getting off this merry-go-round is meaningless, to me at least. You'll come back when you have something more to say. Let's face it. The thread would have ended many pages ago, when you originally said goodbye.
Lastly, I've read the Registry many times. And it also uses terms such as "Cobra-like" and "true replica", just like you did above. The SAAC website statement removed the word "genuine" and was completely revised, because websites can be changed almost immediately. The Registry is now at least 7-8 years old, probably closer to 10 years based upon publication lead times, and "
certain liberties" were taken when writing it back in the mid-2000's.
So, you keep clinging to your copy. It will be revised soon enough. But keep in mind that the 2008 Registry still uses terms such as "Cobra-like" and "true replica." Don't you love ambiguity.