Originally Posted by A98Coupe
Thanks for the comments. Still haven't had chance to set timing & idle mixture yet due to work, but today I got right up close to the pan gasket and checked all around either directly or using a mirror. The passenger side from front to rear is actually wet looking and looks worse as it gets further back. I think you are probably correct in diagnosing the pan gasket as the source of the leak. I've nipped the pan nuts up a bit more and will give her a run next weekend if the weather holds out. I'll get a dye kit if the leak persists.
Probably the pan gasket. Before you condemn the rear main don't forget the
oil return from the rear bearing/seal is right there. Hopefully you checked to see if the pan rail/tray covers it as I had to grind mine. I had a leak, created several new swear words thinking it was the rear main, tightened the pan fasteners (the Canton came with studs) and bye-bye leak. I even used TA-31, torqued it to factory specs when I installed it and the S.O.B. STILL LEAKED after a few runs on my break-in stand!