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A woman went to see her doctor.
Doc, she said once in his office. You've got to help me. I've got a terrible flatulence problem. I break wind about twice every minute.
So I hear said the doc.
It's terribly embarrassing, I just can't stop she said.
I see said the doc. How is your diet?
Normal she said.
Ok how are you sleeping said the doc.
Ok she said , I do manage to get enough sleep.
Stress? he asked.
No more than normal she replied.
The doc sat at his desk writing some notes for a while then, excused himself and left the office.
He was back soon with a long skinny pole with a hook in the end of it.
The woman was terrified. What are you going to do with that she screamed.
The doc said I'm going to open a couple of the high windows, it stinks in here!