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Old 10-25-2015, 08:06 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: Shelby Cobra CSX4206 aluminum body, original 1965 NASCAR 427 SO, Dual quads.
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Originally Posted by Dimis View Post
Well let's be honest. They're both kit cars.
Neither company can deliver a factory "car". Just a kit.
Some kit cars just come more complete than others.

There's no shame in that.
No, actually that's not being honest. You as others want to apply the general definition of "kit car" that applies to an entire range of cars such as Gazelles, Meyer Manx Dune buggies, Beck Spyders etc...The general definition of Kit Car applies to all those cars whose manufacturer does not complete the manufacture of the car, sells the uncompleted car to and leaves the completion to a third party. This process exists primarily because of Federal safety and emission regulations and standards that creeped up on the motoring public in the late 60's. Even Carroll Shelby was noted to have remarked he could not continue production as he did and could not continue to build what he wanted to build as a result of growing restrictive Federal Regulations.

If you apply the generic "Kit Car" definition as used by dictionaries and generally by various states DMV for registration purposes in fact, and I hate to break it to the gang here but the original Cobra today would be a "Kit Car" applying the dictionary or DMV definitions. It would follow the same and have to follow the same process as a Superformance for example in order for SAI to continue (wow! just stumbled into that word, interesting, no?) production of the car. If anyone thinks that if production continued today of the original series Cobra just as it was built, configured and designed without "changes" could leave SAI powered up and ready to go to dealers and end users please explain how this could be accomplished. Would love to learn.

So by todays standards the original 2000 and 3000 series cars would have to be "Kit Cars" in order to continue to be produced and sold. Irrefutable.

I and the vast majority of other Shelby Cobra owners apply and go by the SAAC definitions of "Kit Car and Replica" since this definition applies specifically and germanely to this hobby and these cars and style cars. It is the definition that applies to our world of Cobras. Not a generic definition that applies to everything from Gazelles to Dune Buggies for registration purposes and as noted to original series cars today if SAI was still popping them out uninterrupted. Shelby Cobras original series or Continuation series do NOT fall in the SAAC definition of "Kit Car or Replica". I know you are all disappointed.

Joe Blow generally uses the term "kit and replica" to ask is that a fake. When asked if my car is a "replica or a kit" I say "no, its a genuine Shelby Cobra. A continuation series Cobra." Its not a fake Shelby Cobra nor is it a replica of a Shelby Cobra. It is a Shelby Cobra. If asked if its an "original car/Cobra", I say no. I tell them its a Continuation Series Shelby Cobra. My answers are based on the World Registry not DMV. Very simple, honest, direct and easy actually.

I'm sure you guys will "keep "twisting" things in order to jam a square peg into a round hole.

Have at it. I've got my Registry right here on my desk.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.

Last edited by REAL 1; 10-25-2015 at 08:31 AM..