Originally Posted by Joe's Garage
What they say I said ...
What I actually said ...
Moving on ...
In about 10 hours we'll see if you hit the garbage can or the "submit reply" button
Nope, original only means one thing ...
1. present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest.
2. created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation.
1. something serving as a model or basis for imitations or copies.
Not that I disagree, I would say that in order to find common ground. That is Evan's definition, that is his car is a continuation. Your point stands with logic and correction. Therefore, if Ford or any motor company made cars as continuations, they are copies, not "original" and therefore cannot be counted among the true originals. And I will add that they may not even be true to the original as other makers. Perhaps, even inferior copies. Nonetheless, if it is a continuation, the best can be hoped for is that its made after the production run. Decidedly not original. Very much like them, but not.