Originally Posted by REAL 1
So a Ferrari today is not a Ferrari because Enzo is dead and the employees who made Ferrari's in the 50's and 60's no longer are around and manufacturing processes are different etc...? Really???? Ok. That makes sense.  That would apply to any manufacturer that was around back then and is around today.
To take your Ferrari analogy, that you continue to use. If Ferrari were to stop delivering cars with engines and transmissions, and sold only kits, and the chassis was built by someone else, like say Google, and you put a ford in it.
Would that still be REAL Ferrari?
Originally Posted by REAL 1
Oh yeah. Almost forgot. I am grinding an axe. It's clear. No qualms admitting it. I am protecting the current production Cobras from being knocked and demeaned from guys with sour grapes and pompous asses who only want the original series to be the only authentic Cobra on the block. You grind your axe. I'll grind mine.
Again, No one is attacking the kits/cars, just the owners who are trying to pass them off as something they aren't.
Same thing would happen if a Kirkham, SPF, era, ff5 or other was trying to do the same
Ps. Stop playing the victim, You have too nice a replica to get any sympathy from me.
Pps. I really do admire the tenacity, stubbornness & effort to which you defend the indefensible.
Kind regards.