Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
The word is continuation. Repeat after me con-tin-u-a-shun
How is that fradulent? Quote me chapter and verse and make a charge in any ( federal, district,state or even small claims) court. Come on ned. And rod. Put up or shut up. No 10 word discussion response here show me a specific section of the us code that is being violated. Note such a claim would also have to apply to the superformance gt40 continuations among others. Where is the charge? Surely the fbi wouldn't let such fraud continue unchecked.
You must have selective amnesia. I may have to put YOU on my version of Evan's "I'm not going on that merry-go-round from hell again" list.
Tony, we've had this discussion already in this thread. I posted at least a couple threads from Robert Morgester, at that time, the Assistant CA AG. He was prosecuting criminal cases where folks tried to register their cars as 1965's. I'm not going to continue to repeat myself over and over again and then have you bring up the same discussion 20-30 pages later. It is ILLEGAL in CA to register a modern replica, like my Kirkham Cobra, as a model year 1965. That's why they have the 500 SPCNS exemptions each year. In CA, you register by the year manufactured, which in my case was 2007.
Seriously, no one cares about your Mexican-built Green Bay Packer Edition CSX that you used to own many years ago. If your car was not made in 1965, then it would be illegal or FRAUDULENT in CA to register it TODAY as a 1965. And that is a fact. But if you prefer selective amnesia, then that's fine.