10-27-2015, 05:57 AM
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Location: St. Lucia, West Indies,
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Originally Posted by SFSDFGT
You can add me to the list.
As Tony said, many of us are not vocal because frankly we don't have the time or inclination to bother with this nonsense.
The way I see it (and I suspect that many other CSX4000,6000 owners do too), there most certainly IS a difference between a true, CSX-numbered Shelby, and the plethora of "other" Cobras. Not saying that some others (Kirkhams come to mind) might not be a better built car, but there is a reason I/we were willing to pay a bit more for the Shelby badge (and not one installed by the owner to make it look like a Shelby). At shows, people seem quite interested to find that my car is a real (not original 60s) aluminum-bodied Shelby cobra, even though I am quick to point out the year in which it was built, and give a quick rundown of the significant difference in rarity and value between mine and an early, original car. They are just so used to seeing the typical "other" brands, that seeing an actual Shelby-brand cobra is still cool to them.
None of us are idiots. Nobody is confusing their CSX4000/6000 with one built in the 60s. My hat is off to the fortunate few to own those gems. To be truthful, while I could afford to purchase an original, I'm sure that I wouldn't drive it and enjoy it the same way I do my CSX4000 car, yet I still have the satisfaction of having something with a true Shelby badge.
I certainly don't look down on FFRs, Paces, etc. As a true "car guy", I love to see all of these beauties, and the various customizations by their owners. But if the prices of these cars matched the prices of the more recent CSX cars, wouldn't most people just as soon own the real Shelby? I don't get all of the animosity directed at the CSX4000/6000 cars. We're all car people here, right? Can't we all just get along? Lol.
Just my $0.02
Well expressed and thanks for chiming in with your perspective. The facts are the facts but the opinions are eternally debatable. Nobody (of sound mind, at least) hates CSX Continuations or their owners - 80% of the banter is mostly about Evan's hilarious bombast and tenacity (bless him though ). It's sort of like kids teasing and pissing off the neighbor's chained up dog and getting the same rise out of him every time.
The rest is all about the use and interpretation of the word REAL as well as the conflicting perceptions about the value of the modern day Shelby branding. Nothing serious but there will always be some debate.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...