Originally Posted by Dimis
Wow. I didn't have anything shelby on my cobra, bc quite frankly it's not a Shelby. But if I did, I'm pretty sure I'd think twice about keeping them. Was the guy that big a flog...?
Mine "famously" (back during the legal wars) carries no bodging that references Shelby or Cobra (except for the Shelby manifold that Shelby cast its name on), and only refers to Kirkham on various items like the expansion tank and arruminum gearshift knob I stole from Davey boy. I could give a sh!t about anyone coming after me legally...actually dared them to. Marsh and I did a pic where he pretends to pry a Cobra emblem off the Butler I had. Let's just say there was a deficiency of respect for the Old Man back in those days that still lingers a bit in the minds of many that lived through it.
That's why these little amateurish word wars that continue in this thread are so so damn asinine, truth be told. Many of the current participants have no freeking clue.
...just saying, and having said that, it's been said.