I have 20" 3 piece wheels on another car, the centers are diamond cut but the rims are polished and not coated... so they discolor over time. The Mother's aluminum polish with the Ball works really well but I think you would be in for a long session with it. There are custom wheel shops in abundance and a good one can polish them for you, for a couple hundred bucks. Call around.
Originally Posted by csw
When I was down at Boynton Beach touring BDR and inspecting the car we bought, they had a few cars with polished wheels, all 18". I asked Frank about polished wheels, but he said they didn't have any 17" left. He said I could polish them myself with a polishing ball and a little elbow grease, but not sure I want to risk messing the wheels up. I was wondering if anyone has had the wheel lips polished as I like the look of the grey center vs the full polished wheel or by chance has any they would like to part with.