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Welcome to the Dark Side! If you don't car about trying to make a kit/replica car an exact copy and try to pass it off as real one. If you view your car as a HotRod that is shaped like a Cobra, then Chevy is the best way to go. From a performance, cost, parts availability, Chevy is the way to go. If provenance is your thing then it is a fact the AC Cars Ltd of England in the 60's built and sold at least two Cobra's with Chevy engines in the from the factory. And todays incarnation of Ac Cars sells their Cobra replica with a GM LS engine. And when it comes to resale time don't let the "Ford only in a Cobra crowd" that you cant sell a Chevy powered cobra, that is a load of BS. There is a large market of guy's who only want a Chevy in their HotRod shaped like a Cobra and will pay extra for it.