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There is NO PROBLEM using stainless steel Braided brake lines- none.
Other than cost. Any supplier of the lines can sell you what ever fittings you need. The stainless brake brake lines do not over stretch/expand.
BUT, if ease of use and the extra cost don't send you running, think about using the new lifetime "very flexible" soft brake lines.
I use the new lines now and do NOT even use a bender! ALL bends are made by hand, even the tight 90"s ! I loosen the booster at least three times during a build, never had a problem yet!"
In the cliche, don't sweat the small stuff! Moving the booster while building is small stuff!
A NEW CLASSIC ROADSTERS! If only 25 years younger ! Heard nothing but good from/about our northern brothers.Hope they keep the name, and good luck to ya-Hey..........
Last edited by Double Venom; 11-11-2015 at 06:32 AM..