The Cobra is not able to compete in the GT-1 Class.... however it needs to be moved down to the GT-2 Class where the times would be competitive.
KMP259 has run in NASA and the times compared to GT-1 time at Road America and Gateway were off by a lot .....The main reason is the GT-1 Cars are Technology Driven and are extremely fast now days. At Gateway St Louis a short track the times are GT-1 1:00:54 verses KMP259 at 1:04:50..... if you go to Road America, a long track the times are GT-1 2:01:5 verses KMP259 2:16:50 minutes...... The suspension is just not good enough... yes we could pass them on the straight away.... but the corners were just not there....
If you could get the Cobra Qualified for GT-2...then they would be very competitive..... Gateway GT-2 is 1:06:10...... KMP259 is 1:04:50.... and at Road America GT-2 is 2:18:00 verses KMP259 2:16:5..... So yes they would be very competitive in GT-2....But changing and reclassifying the Cobra to GT-2 would be next to impossible..... been there and done that....
So Save your money and buy a car already built for the class you want to run and get one right off the track at the runoffs..... that's the way I sold 2 of my cars ..... right from Impound to the other guy's trailer....that way you get all of the good stuff.... trust no one.....
Hope this helps out.... in case you don't know who KMP259 is here's a good photo....