Originally Posted by MOTORHEAD
A good fiberglass repair on anything, car, boat, airplane, will depend on all mentioned above, but above all, don't butt the joints ! they must be tapered. That's where you get to add new glass without bulging the surface. (u can add more material behind, if it seems necessary) and also greatly increases the bonding surface area.
Good point - correct fiberglass repairs and splices always require tapering the edge of a splice or dish-grinding out a crack over a width of 1-1/2 or 2 inches minimum. Then lay mat and resin into the crack with increasingly wider cuts of mat as it fills to the top and maximum width of the grind out. Roll each layer in with a fiberglass mat roller. Then grind out the other side of the repair or crack similarly and repeat. Should never be a problem if proper materials and technique are used.