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Old 12-06-2015, 08:30 AM
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Being serious, I know we have the talent to get this done ! I am also fully aware that getting True mechanical drawings done is a highly technical piece of work. I NOR Ryan certainly would not expect any of you pro's to do this for gratis!

IF anyone of you Pros are truly interested in doing this over the winter then we need to speak of a realistic price! If we are fortunate enough to have more than one volunteer, then for lack of a better way we'll probably go on a "bid" cost.

I Personally know of NO existing Cobra frames that are even close to a CR FRAME.
However, an original CR FRAME will work as well as a CR II FRAME. ANY changes from CR to CR II can easily be changed in-house.

On a business note all we would need is a notorized letter giving us COPYRIGHT PERMISSION.

Questions?: Right here on the board, PM, E-mail - DV4477@GMAIL.Com, or call me any day from 8AM/10PM EST.1-231-869-4608

PS. On Wyatts fantastic offer I would personally not be comfortable working on a beautifully painted frame. Scratching a stock frame is one thing............

Standing by..........
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