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Tenrocca opens this thread with an insulting comment on USA society, and NO sympathy or condolences to the families of the victims. Speaks volumes of his character right there. Moral superiority above all else.
He spouts statistics like they actually mean something. Mark Twain had it right : "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics". Every survey, etc he quotes were created by an agency with an agenda, that matches his own, so he likes it.
He claims to speak for the rest of the world, but in reality just speaks for himself and his very small pocket of like-minded progs.
Progs blame the world's evil on inanimate objects, but have actually created the evil through moral/cultural decay, and pressure on the justice system to release criminals at the drop of the hat.
He admits to just turning in a weapon that could be used for defense of himself and his family. He's not a man. Just a loud mouthed subject, a sheep.
But hey, he knows better than all of us, right?
Done with this twit.