Originally Posted by Brooklyn-427
That's what splits this hobby down the middle .. The guys that self build and the guys that just sign the check!
I disagree. My first cobra was a FFR. My current car is a SPF and money had nothing to do with my choice. I just wanted to be able to drive the car the day I bought it. Building one, though extremely satisfying, just takes too much of my time.
I have nothing but respect for anyone that builds one of these cars in their garage. Some are crap, some are works of art. I appreciate both of them and don't hold my car above or below any of them. Well, OK, I guess mine is better than the crappy ones. Converting dozens of boxes of parts into a race car takes unlimited patience, money and a forgiving wife. To me, all SPF, BDR, CSX, ERA, Kirkham, etc., are pretty much the same build quality. All are good. FFR's are all over the map. That's why I like to inspect all FFR's as no two are the same.
And, finally, just signing the check doesn't guarantee you'll never have to turn a wrench. It usually takes a full year or two to completely sort out your new car to work out all the inherent bugs. Then the fun starts!