Actually before the Cobra Shelby got 3 Corvettes from Chevy and had them shipped to Italy where he was going to have them built and start his own race team. Some higher up at Chevy found out about it and ordered them destroyed as Chevy already had a Corvette race team headed by Roger Pensky. All paper work on those Corvettes was also destroyed. Then when he asked for engines for the Cobra, I am not sure on this, but I believe it had to do with not wanting anything Chevy competing with their race team. Either way, he went to Ford and they had just came out with the 221 engine and that was what was shipped to Thames Dutton, England and stuffed into the car to see if it would fit. The first 60 Cobras had the 221 engines in them. And thus the Cobra with Ford power was born. If I had an original, then I would not replace the Ford engine with any other but for the kits and replicas, I just don't see any reason to put down one brand of engine over another. Any of them can be made to preform the originals and the newer ones look great I think.