Got the air system finished today. Very happy with the results. Only a couple of leaks and they were from the pipe threads on the brass fittings. A bit of extra thread tape sorted them out.
Here's the PEX pipe with an air fitting on the end. I've put a few of these around the shed to easily jack into. I'll be expanding the system in future to add more connection points.
I have to say very easy to connect and setup. I'll see hoe it goes for leaks or problems in the coming months.
I put a double outlet behind the mill. One for the air draw bar supply and another for an air duster. Handy to have when you are machining. I've got a spare regulator that I'll bolt next to the wall to drop the pressure for the air duster. 130PSI is a bit dangerous for blowing chips and swarf away.
Tidied up the mill wiring as well. It was pick'n mix cable ties broken and oddball cable fixings. I wrapped the wires with spiral wrap to tidy them up and I had some spare rubber lined P-clips to secure it in place.
Had fun working on it all today.