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If you have the ford high torq starter with the solenoid on it, bypass the solenoid on the starter (as if it were a chevy with hot start problems) with a 10 ga wire from the batt cable to the activation lug, and use the solenoid on the firewall. That way when the solenoid sticks open, you can reach it more easily to rap it with a wrench. The three lugs on the starter are: battery cable in, starter activation wire, and the hot output to bypass the ballast resistor so your coil has enough volts to fire off (not needed with MSD, duraspark,etc.) Regular ford starters only have a single post, for the battery cable in. The other wires come off the solenoid on the firewall.
Last edited by Mr.Fixit; 05-06-2002 at 10:44 PM..