I am a retiree and work part time at the local Advance Auto delivering parts to commercial accounts, we have most parts our retail and commercial customers need. We also have access to parts from our sister store Car Quest, which is owned by Advance, most of our parts can be had the same day with our PDQ and warehouse deliveries. We also have
oil change specials which include a quality filter, most of the time the combo is cheaper than buying just the
Just my .02 worth.
1963 Mercury Monterey 460+ .060 .//Cobra clone, Scratch build frame /302/ T-5 WC / 3.00-9in/FFR mkll body (Broken but repairable) /91 Lincoln Wire Wheels
N.S.M.C Charter/Life Member// Die Hard Blue Oval Nut
The finish is better than the beginning. Ecc7:8