Our Diff finally arrived. We start re-assembly tomorrow.
We cloned the rubber engine mounts into solid ones.
Finishing up welding in the down tubes
We are working on widening the rear track back to it's original width without using wheel spacers. We need to move it 1/2 inch. We put the upper trailing link in double shear which allows us a little movement outboard. The gusset tying the main frame rail to the 1" body support has to be relieved else the rod end will bind against it as it moves outboard. We just drilled a clearance hole in the gusset. Once we can cycle everything again we will space the trailing link to the best fit location.
I checked the weight thread and the 351 setup we pulled weighed 520
351w w Lakewood & clutch 520 lb
This Engine, Bell Housing, Clutch, Transmission, & Diff weigh 510 lb.
I'm expecting the rear cradle assembly to come in around 252 ready to bolt in. That would be a 92lb reduction in the rear cradle assembly.
Can't wait to reassemble and weigh. Last time I weighed with steel wheels and no fluids we were at 2088.
Been talking to Watanabe - another science project fraught with risk ($$$) - LOL. If they would just publish basic dimensional data it would make things so much easier.
Really enjoy working on your car Bob.