Blackjack- Keep the faith up man! Anyone that can wip on a rattler has got my vote. Anyway, some observations. Now these are based on several Panteras that I have owned. ( not a GT/40 )
The problems are about the same though.
First thing I would do is loose the electric water (Davies-Craig) pump at least at the start up and break in of you engine/project. Run a high pressure as apposed to high volume/flowrate stock type aluminum pump.(see the reasons later) If you just have to, you can put a electric drive on that pump later as they are cheap and available from Summett , Jegs or speed shops. Moroso comes to my mind but there are others. That will whip your soft impeller problem.
Next I would use ANY coolant filter you would run in a bypass loop around the main cooling system. That's where the stock type pump comes in to play as you can use the heater taps on the stock type pump to filter your coolant . As a side thing this is also where I would use coolant in/out of a intercooler of a supercharger WHEN you get that far. The Davies - Craig piece is a very high quality unit but it just plain does not have the capacity for a innercooler or bypass filter setup either. No electric driven pump does to my knowledge to include the Moroso drive unit on a stock type pump. As for the filter itself. I don't know. Let me in on it if ya find one that is spicific to
antifreeze/coolant. I'll be watching this thread.
BTW-This is really a case where the high tech stuff works against you when the standard stuff is really the right thing to do. Go with the high tech stuff later if you must, but get the bugs out of what you are doing first. As for overheating on my Panteras I had to slow down the water pump speed (bigger pulleys) to keep from INDUCTING air into the coolant system that made them run hot. That finally whipped that problem, but it drove me crazy back then years ago. It's also amazing how much air can get into your system from a tenny tiny leak when the car is off and cooling down. Seemed they always drew air in, and they never leaked out. Check with some of the Pantera sites and look up overheating as there is lots of stuff there. Getting the air out is only half the problem. Keeping the air out of those plumbing nightmares is the other half. That's when the normal stuff comes to play, fans, shrouding, fittings, hoses and so on.
That's what I'd bet you are fighting now. Bet you're feel better now don't you? Y'all have a good day now.