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Old 02-29-2016, 05:33 PM
ermenasce ermenasce is offline
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Mark IV,

This is exactly how I feel.
I would have a hard time to put it into words, but you are spot on.
Whenever I buy a car, and I have had t A LOT of cars, one of the driving
forces is the story of the car - the people, the tracks, the success and
failures - and of course the car itself.
The journey not necessarily the result.
I am 70 years old, and in 1966 I was 22 , and although
being a Ferrari fan, the images of a Ford GT 40 - so advanced for that
period - are still in my mind.
In the process of looking for a Ford GT 40, continuation car, I went back to that time,
procured all the books, videos, you tubed every episode, and came back
to that story about Ford vs Ferrari, which was somehow different
than what happens today.
Henry Ford II, vs Enzo Ferrari.
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