Originally Posted by stephen low
Ha ha - ahh Sisco...........
There you go the NSW State regulators simply just can't let go and run to an approved - read accredited to say NATA standard, supplier's test results.
I can see why Treeve is tearing out his hair in his post attempting to work towards a uniform system.
Even I have pulled my hair out.....first engineer I talked to wanted *pics of seatbelt anchor pts/retractors etc (but only he could take)
* emissions - results of test on report with "companies" name on letter head.
* then when all built come and see him
Next engineer I talked to, wanted for rego, intrusion bar across nose opening, child restraint anchor points, no passenger side pipe
Then 3 wipers/extra gusset welded on engine mounts (chassis) / not happy with transmission mounting points in tunnel / emission testing - alluded to NATA approved facility / emission testing under ADR 79/03 before 1/11
All the photos I could take of the build
And as they say "thats all folks" finished with my public rant
PS thanks to Craig/Warren for the support and answering questions