Part one: I got an ioracing bracket. Here's the thread:
Two caveats: I don't know if they have any left. Also, I've never tried it! The car isn't here yet. Other than that, it looks well-made and should work fine. It is intended to bolt to the roll bar.
Part two: is a bit more complex. I'd guess Jim Colman'd be a good consultant if you can catch him. I have a Sony digital camcorder that I use for several different purposes such as documenting the Cobra build, and underwater video.
Digital is really the only way to go.
Some relevant questions: how good do you want the finished product to be? Budget? Size?
As an example, my camera is a three-chip "prosumer" model from Sony, and can be used to provide footage of broadcast quality. Current Sony models along these lines are the TRV900 (smallest of the Sony three-chip units, and presently being replaced by the TRV950), and the VX2000/PD150 twins.
Sony also has some itsy-bitsy (technical term) digital video cams that have one chip (not as good result as the three chip, but plenty good for most applications and some even take better still photos than the higher end models) and can nearly be put into a shirt pocket. These start around $1500 or less, where the higher end models above are aound $2K - $4K depending on which one you pick.
So as usual it comes down to "what do you prefer?" Hope this enlightens more than confuses.