I know that this is not really the place for this...
But, I'd like the "Cobra gang" to know that we've lost a genuine "Cobraholic" in our Friend Brad Knowlson.
Brad passed away yesterday afternoon, losing a battle with that mongrel disease Cancer.
Once he had been bitten by the Cobra bug...he loved every chance he could get to get in his car and drive "anywhere"....and always looked like he was having a ball .
He LOVED his car....and always joined in on any Cobra related activity going.
He built his car here at the factory,and he was proud to tell everyone he came across , that his was "The First"completed and registered.
He made some good friends here at the factory, and made plenty of good friends in the Cobra car Club of Queensland.
I had a beer for him last night...and will do the same tonight.
Tip your glass to him when you get a chance....
and I hope you all can get as much joy from your lovely cars as Brad did.
A really nice bloke, who will be sadly missed.
Warren BOYLAN,
Club President,
Cobra Car Club of Queensland.